
Accessibility Plan for Probus Logistics

Last updated: December 15, 2023

The Probus Logistics Accessibility Plan outlines the policies and actions Probus Logistics will put in place to improve opportunities and accessibility for people with disabilities. This plan and the policies will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure accuracy and alignment with current compliance standards.

Statement of Commitment

Probus Logistics is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all stakeholders, including our customers, employees, job applicants, suppliers, vendors, the public and any visitors who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services. We believe in building a culture that respects the dignity and differences of all individuals.

Our organization will follow through on this commitment by identifying, preventing, and removing barriers to accessibility in a timely manner and in a way which allows people with disabilities to maintain their dignity and independence. We will accomplish this by incorporating principles of integration and equal opportunity, and by meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and applicable accessibility laws. To meet this objective and the requirements under the AODA, Probus Logistics has, and will continue to, incorporate accessibility measures into our policies, procedures, training, websites, environment, and best practices (as identified in our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan).

Accessible Emergency Information

We are committed to providing customers and partners with publicly available emergency information in an accessible format upon request.

Probus is committed to keeping our people safe. Individualized emergency response plans are developed and maintained for employees with accommodation needs. Our organization will strive to accommodate people with disabilities in providing emergency response information. Also with the person’s consent, specific needs will be provided to the person designated to aid, and individual situations would be maintained with any location changes.

Customer Service

Probus Logistics is committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in the same way as any other customer. Probus Logistics will also recognize and support members of the public who use assistive devices, support persons, service animals or other accommodation services. Our company will maintain accessibility or incorporate barrier-free, Universal Design principles when possible, or inform people if not available.


Under the Customer Service Accessibility standard as part of AODA, all Company employees in Ontario as well as those providing services in Ontario receive mandatory training on our policies, practices and procedures that affect the way goods and services are provided to persons with disabilities. This training is also provided to new employees when joining our Company as part of their onboarding plan.

Employees, and other staff members are and will continue to be assigned mandatory training modules as required under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (IASR) on Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities.

The following steps have been taken to meet our commitment to training:

• Records are maintained to monitor completion of assigned mandatory training.

• Training is made available on a voluntary basis to employees not directly covered under the AODA regulations

• Training will be reviewed periodically, and employees will be advised (or re-trained if necessary) when changes are made to policies, practices, and procedures.

Information and Communications

Probus Logistics is committed to meeting the communication needs and making information and feedback processes accessible to people with disabilities.

We have implemented our strategy to incorporate the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0 at Level A requirements and will continue to adhere to any subsequent requirements for our Company websites and content

Where possible, assistive technology will continue to be made available on our Company websites. This complimentary accessibility tool will help individuals navigate the web more easily on any website. Existing feedback processes will be made accessible to people with disabilities upon request and publicly available information will be

Probus will continue to monitor information and communication needs identified and consult with people with disabilities to determine appropriate formats and communication supports as required. Information will be provided in a timely manner at no cost to the public.

Our organization will provide notice to our customers in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the services usually used by people with disabilities. To the extent the information is available, the notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternate services, if they are available.


Probus Logistics is committed to fair and accessible employment practices throughout the employment life cycle including provision of reasonable accommodation, accessible formats and communication supports. Our Company will not discriminate in hiring, promotion, training, compensation, or any other employment practices on any prohibited grounds including disability. Through our policies and processes accessibility needs and accommodation plans will be taken into consideration in relation to employment processes.

Our Human Resources and Talent Acquisition teams will share our commitment within our postings and throughout the assessment and selection process, including advising new hires of our accommodation related policies. We will update our employees on any changes to these policies, as applicable.

In addition, career development, performance management, and redeployment processes/ job changes will consider accessibility needs and individual accommodation plans accordingly. Probus Logistics commits to preventing and removing accessibility barriers, incorporating accessibility within our regular review of employment policies, materials, and relevant procedures.

Individualized emergency response plans are developed and maintained for employees with accommodation needs.

We will continue to develop individual accommodation plans and return to work policies for people who have been absent due to disability and ensure a written process is in place to document individualized plans in a clear and consistent manner. The accommodation plan will include the way the employee can participate in the development of such plan.

We will continue to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities in all new builds, construction, and major renovations.

The following steps have been or will be implemented to ensure the public and our employees are aware that, upon request, we will accommodate people with disabilities:

• Information about the availability of reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities will be included in the application process.

• All candidates that are invited to participate in interviews will be informed how to request accommodation for disabilities.

• Hired candidates will be notified of our policies and processes for accommodating employees with disabilities as part of their orientation process.

• Probus will review and communicate our accommodation policies and process to all employees and managers.

• Where an employee requires accommodation or accessible formats, we will consult with the employee (and when necessary external parties) to identify and provide a response that meets their needs.

• We will ensure accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are considered during performance management, career development and redeployment processes.

• Probus will continue to review existing relevant policies and practices and monitor regulatory changes and policies to ensure we continue to comply with Ontario’s Accessibility laws.

• We will invite employees with disabilities to identify existing accessibility barriers and provide feedback and input on preventing and/or eliminating barriers

• When contracted resources from third party organizations are hired for activities relating to recruitment and selection, the requirement for AODA compliance will be identified to the vendor. Third party agencies are responsible for accommodation needs etc. of any assigned contractors under their own company AODA policies.

Contact Us

Accessible formats of this document are available free of charge upon request. For more information on our Company’s accessibility policies and multi-year plan, please contact us. To ensure we can reach you to provide further information, please include the following information:

• Your name

• Your affiliation (e.g. Customer, visitor, etc.)

• Your contact information (address, telephone and/or email)

Feedback Process

Probus Logistics invites and encourages feedback from individuals with disabilities (including customers, employees, and the public) about how we are meeting and supporting accessibility in our workplace, the delivery of our services and our customer service. Probus Logistics is constantly striving to remove barriers and improve upon our accessibility; your feedback is always appreciated. Please contact us if you encounter any barriers to accessibility on our digital properties.

Individuals who wish to provide feedback are encouraged to do so by any of the following methods:

In writing:

Please mail your written feedback to us at 53 Mobis Drive, Markham, ON, L6C 0Y3.

By telephone:

For local calls dial: 905.738.2400

You can call us toll free at: 1.866.840.2885

(For TTY service dial 711, or your preferred relay service). We support various video relay services including:

• Canada Video Relay Service,

• E-quality Communication Center of Excellence, and

• Sorenson Community Interpreting Service.

By E-mail:

Please email your feedback to:

Please Note: Individuals who provide feedback will receive acknowledgement of their submission (provided contact information is provided) and will be advised of any resulting actions taken based on the concerns or complaints submitted.

Accessibility References

• To access our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan please click here

• To return to our Accessibility Statement please click here
