Home Accessibility
Last updated: December 14, 2023
Probus Logistics is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all stakeholders, including our customers, employees, job applicants, suppliers, vendors, the public and any visitors who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services. We believe in building a culture that respects the dignity and differences of all individuals.
The goal of the AODA is the achievement of a fully accessible Ontario through the identification, prevention, and removal of barriers. As an organization, we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and its associated standards and regulations and will ensure that we offer a safe and welcoming environment that is respectful of each person’s dignity and independence. To meet this objective and the requirements under the AODA, Probus Logistics has, and will continue to, incorporate accessibility measures into our policies, procedures, training, websites, environment, and best practices (as identified in our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan).
The AODA’s key principles of integration, equality, dignity, and independence will be applied regardless of whether an individual is:
• Working within or visiting our office
• Accessing our information
• Procuring our services and support online or via our phone-in services; or
• Welcoming us into their place of employment
As an organization, Probus Logistics is dedicated to meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely manner. We understand that providing a barrier-free environment is a shared effort, and as an organization, we are committed to working with the necessary parties to make accessibility a reality for all.
Questions or concerns regarding Probus Logistics Accessibility Policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan are to be submitted via the company’s AODA Feedback Process.
Accessible formats of this document are available free of charge upon request. For more information on our Company’s accessibility policies and multi-year plan, please contact us. To ensure we can reach you to provide further information, please include your:
• Name
• Affiliation (e.g. Customer, visitor, etc.)
• Contact information (address, telephone and/or email)
Probus Logistics invites and encourages feedback from individuals with disabilities (including customers, employees, and the public) about how we are meeting and supporting accessibility in our workplace, the delivery of our services and our customer service. Probus Logistics is constantly striving to remove barriers and improve upon our accessibility; your feedback is always appreciated. Please contact us if you encounter any barriers to accessibility on our digital properties.
Individuals who wish to provide feedback are encouraged to do so by any of the following methods:
Please mail your written feedback to us at 53 Mobis Drive, Markham, ON, L6C 0Y3.
For local calls dial: 905.738.2400
You can call us toll free at: 1.866.840.2885
(For TTY service dial 711, or your preferred relay service). We support various video relay services including:
• Canada Video Relay Service,
• E-quality Communication Center of Excellence, and
• Sorenson Community Interpreting Service.
Please email your feedback to: accessibilityfeedback@probuslogistics.com
Please Note: Individuals who provide feedback will receive acknowledgement of their submission (provided contact information is provided) and will be advised of any resulting actions taken based on the concerns or complaints submitted.
• To access our Accessibility Plan please click here
• To access our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan please click here